How Many Watts Does It Take to Power a Whole House?

Do you need to power your entire home during a power outage? You may be wondering how many watts it takes to run a house. The answer depends on the size of your home and the number of appliances you need to power. Generally, a 9000-watt generator is enough to run a house, but you may need an additional 1000 watts of energy storage for cloudy days or when the power grid goes down. Every home has different energy needs.

Some may require more appliances during a power outage, while others may be able to get by with just a few running. Generally, a generator that can provide between 5000 and 7500 watts should be sufficient to power a home. This would be enough to accommodate an air conditioner, a sump pump, a refrigerator, a laptop, a television and some light bulbs. If you're worried about overloading the generator, consider staggering the use of certain devices or disconnecting some devices if you're not currently using them.

Main generators may offer less power, but they only provide enough power for critical electrical devices, such as lights. If you live in an area prone to power outages, then you should buy a larger generator. Your appliances may require more or less energy depending on their usage, so it's important to know what size generator you need for your home. For example, an essential home needs a three-circuit generator to provide sufficient electricity for lights, heaters and kitchen appliances.

On the other hand, if you encounter occasional power outages that may or may not last long, then a large inverter or portable generator may work for you. Generators come in sizes ranging from 12,000 to 180,000 watts. This means they'll be able to power anything that comes their way unless there's an overwhelming need for power on your property. Medium-sized generators usually run on gas and can generate between 6000 and 8000 watts of electricity at any given time.

Large generators can provide more than 5000 watts continuously (or 7000 if used as a standby). Once you have the total amount of starting watts you need from a generator, you can determine the size that best suits your needs. There are two different types of generators that people may need for their home's energy needs: a backup generator or an inverter generator (also known as an interactive grid generator).